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Monday, June 11, 2012

Head Coach

Title: Head Coach

Responsible to: Athletic Director

Function: To co-ordinate all aspects of the assigned interscholastic sport and to work cooperatively with all personnel in maintaining a quality program within the policy framework of the school district.

      1.   Be responsible for all matters pertaining to the organization and administration of the coaching of the team under his/her direction. Enforce all rules of the league, state and national association as they pertain to the respective sports.

2.   A completed and signed parental permission form and physical examination card shall be in the hands of the coach or athletic office prior to an athlete beginning practice. Assure that players and coaches under his/her jurisdiction understand the training rule policy. These forms are to be returned to the athletic director promptly.

3.   Cooperate with the administration, athletic director, fellow coaches and students to promote the best interests of the entire athletic program.

4.   Work with the athletic director in the appointment and dismissal of assistant coaches in grades 
      7 -   12.

5.   Have meetings with assistant coaches to coordinate coaching methods at different levels; assign duties to all assistant coaches; assist the athletic director in evaluating the performance of assistant coaches in grades 7 - 12.

6.   Conform to athletic department policy in ordering equipment and supplies for the sport involved.

7.   See that all candidates for a team have returned a properly completed insurance form (if necessary.)

8.   See that all candidates for a team have had a physical examination and have returned the physical examination/parental consent form before the first practice session.

9.   Prepare a roster of all team members. Have participants fill out the athletic eligibility form from which the master eligibility list will be compiled. Both should be in the athletic office and principal's office one week prior to the first game.

10. Assume responsibility for conduct of contestants in sport involved.

11. Assume responsibility for a group until all athletes are dressed and have left the building. This responsibility can be delegated to an assistant coach. Secure all gates, dressing rooms, locker and gymnasium or field house facilities before leaving the area.

12. Accompany and supervise the team to and from all contests.

13. Plan and supervise all practice sessions. Suggested length is not more than two and a half hours.

14. Work with trainer-equipment manager in selecting reliable student managers and student trainers;
assign their duties and supervise their work.

15. Conform to athletic policy to assure that students are not given keys to enter buildings when the coach is not present.

16. Conform to school policies in handling injuries; report all serious injuries immediately to the athletic director.

17. Attend scheduled school meetings unless excused. During sports season, coaches should check with principal or department chairperson as to what transpired at a meeting that the coach was unable to attend.

18. Turn in a complete inventory of all equipment to the athletic director at the conclusion of the season.

19. Complete and return a Coaches Annual Report form to the athletic director within two weeks after the last contest.

20. Complete and return a supplemental pay voucher to the athletic director after all responsibilities have been fulfilled.

21. Complete all requirements mandated by State and National agencies.

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